Selection Criteria


The purpose of “the Fund” is to provide money for grants to marginalized and disadvantaged catholic Australians on low incomes who have reached the age of 16 but not yet reached the age of 25 and cannot afford to pay either tertiary institution tuition fees or tertiary residential college fees. These grants must be paid to an Australian university or college by the student. These grants must only be awarded to:

  1. Australian citizens within the meaning of the Australian Citizenship Act 1948; and
  2. will be open to individuals throughout Australia;
  3. will   promote the recipient’s education in a tertiary course being:
    1. Tertiary courses as are approved by the trustees of “the Fund” from time to time;
  4. will be awarded for reasons of equity; and
  5. will be awarded to individuals selected by the trustees who meet the following selection criteria:
    1. they must meet the ACOSS definition of poverty, that is, ‘an enforced lack of socially perceived necessities”;
    1. they must demonstrate true financial need; and
    1. they must demonstrate an interest in tertiary courses as are approved by the trustees from time to time.

Conditions of Eligibility and Award

“the Fund” grants may only be awarded to applicants who have satisfied all the tertiary course first year criteria.


The selection process will be facilitated by the trustees who will establish a selection panel.

The selection process will include:

      Submission of application forms;

      Submission of confidential referee reports;

      Short listing of applicants;

      Recommendations submitted to the trustees of the “the Fund”

     Interviews may be conducted.

Application Process

  Application is to be made using the official application form.

  Include a proposal addressing the criteria detailed on the application form.

          A confidential reference from the applicant’s referees.

Award Details

   Grants will be awarded each year if the application meets the approval   of the trustees of the “the Fund”.

  The successful applicants will be required to present a report at the  completion of their degree and to consent to their first names and stories being used by the trustees for the purpose of promoting “the Fund”